Thank you to all of you who supported the Summer Scamper. With your help, $9,875 of the $10,000 goal was raised! Congratulations are also due for meeting the Association of Auxiliaries’ goal of having the largest Scamper team this year. The total raised for this event, which will benefit LPCH’s patients and their families, was more than $390,000.
As you know, we have had to cancel all meetings and events for this calendar year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The board is discussing having some sort of virtual event this fall. If you have any ideas, please let us know. We all miss seeing and visiting with each other. Hopefully, you are keeping in contact with your family and friends and keeping yourselves busy with reading, gardening, or cooking, or whatever hobbies you enjoy doing. The main thing is to STAY WELL! This crisis will end and we will find a new “normal” life where we can socialize again---hopefully, in the near future.
We hope all of you are happy and well and keeping yourselves busy. Let’s hope that we can be released from sheltering-in-place soon and can again get together with our friends.
Unfortunately, we have no news yet in regard to Game Day, but we are keeping positive thoughts that we can have it in October. The good news is that we are now the proud owners of about 25 card tables and numerous small side tables. More good news is that the virtual fundraiser that the Association of Auxiliaries sponsored to support the doctors, nurses, and hospital staff has, to this date, brought in $12,525, of which $3,175 is from our members. Our thanks to many of you who have made a donation. Because we can’t meet in person, many auxiliaries, affiliates, and the association have been conducting virtual meetings and events. There is an event that we encourage all of you to support this year. It is the annual Summer Scamper that is hosted by the foundation to benefit the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. Betty & Pat ll, here we are; life as we used to know it is still in a holding pattern. We hope you are holding on to your sanity and keeping yourself busy and well. All this does make you wonder what the new norm is going to be like when we no longer have to stay home and wear a mask when we leave home. Whatever it is, we are willing to accept it with open arms.
While our auxiliary has been idle, good things have been happening behind the scene. Our auxiliary’s website up and running. If you have any pictures of past events at the Garden Café, Christmas Boutique or The Gift Cart or any pictures of interest, would you please send them to us? OKTOBERFEST / CURRENT FUNDRAISING DRIVE As you know, we will not be having our Oktoberfest fundraiser. This event is being replaced by the Association of Auxiliaries’ current fundraising drive for the Hospital staff who are putting themselves at risk every day and their families at risk when they return home. According to Nancy Larsson, President of the Association, the need is great--- meals, stress relief, lodging for staff who live far from the hospital and support for the medical students who provide childcare for the hospital staff. Please consider making your donation now under DONATE. We thank you, whole heartedly, for supporting this virtual fundraising event.. Our stars keep re-aligning themselves and so here we are again asking you to consider the auxiliary’s latest situations.
Because Summer Scamper has been cancelled, we feel the Art and Garden Tour should be postponed, possibly to next year because so many events are now being put on Fall's calendar. Nancy Larsson, President of the Association of Auxiliaries appealed for donations to aid hospital staff during this COVID pandemic. We want to urge all our members to support the Association's drive. The Sapore Luncheon (fashion show)/Dinner (no fashion show) has been rescheduled for September---date to be announced. Hopefully, the auxiliary will be super motivated to fully participate in this event by bringing large numbers of guests. We need to promote this heartily. Game Day will be our biggest fundraiser and will take place in October. The Temple currently has in-house events happening near the end of October so our best chance to get on their calendar would be early in the month. However, dates will not be assigned until July. If we should find ourselves unable to get on their calendar, then we will have to cancel Game Day. Finding a new venue with every other auxiliary/non-profit also seeking a location would be nearly impossible. So this is how our year appears to be falling in line. If you have any suggestion, comments, ideas that could help us generate more funds we would love to hear from you. Everyone is struggling to make their organization successful in this unusual year. All we can do is our best, as we always have. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts/comments. Stay well, Pat & Betty |
Betty Barnes & Pat Barr2020 Auxiliary Co-Presidents Archives
July 2020